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Oddelek za sociologijo

dr. Edma Ajanović

Edma Ajanović has an MSCA postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Ljubljana and has been working on the project “Anti-democratic/anti-gender nexus in Bosnia and Herzegovina” since October 2024.

Previously, she was a Senior Scientist at the University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria. During her previous employment, she led a project entitled " Digitalizing Youth Politics" from November 2019 to October 2021. Edma Ajanović completed her doctoral studies at the University of Vienna and analysed in her dissertation “Racism as a complex setting of power and knowledge. An analysis of current articulations, practices and intersections of racism in Austria.” At the University of Vienna, she also worked as a project researcher in EU-funded projects such as “RAGE – Hate speech and populist othering”. Her research interests include anti-genderism/feminism, right-wing populist discourses, racism research and (de-)democratisation processes.

Recent Publications

Donat, Elisabeth, Barbara Mataloni, and Edma Ajanovic. 2025. ‘Challenges to Inclusive and Sustainable Societies: Exploring the Polarizing Potential of Attitudes Towards Climate Change and Non-Heteronormative Forms of Living in Austria, Italy, Poland, and Sweden’. Sustainability 17 (4): 1457.

Ajanović, Edma, and Katharina Fritsch. 2024. ‘Framing Covid-19 through Memes: A Way for Young People to Shape the Narrative in Austria’. Journal of Youth Studies 27 (7): 1023–41.

Ajanović, Edma. 2023. ‘Femonationalism, Neoliberal Activation, and Anti-Feminism - The Shifting Discourses on Gender Equality and Women’s Issues in Austria’. In Blurring Boundaries – ‘Anti-Gender’ Ideology Meets Feminist and LGBTIQ+ Discourses, edited by Dorothee Beck, Adriano José Habed, and Annette Henninger, 1. Auflage. Leverkusen: Verlag Barbara Budrich.

Ajanović, Edma, Katharina Fritsch, and Florian Zahorka. 2021. ‘Digital Verbunden Formen Politischer Partizipation von Jugendlichen in Niederösterreich’. Momentum Quarterly - Zeitschrift Für Sozialen Fortschritt 10 (2): 66.

Hunklinger, Michael, and Edma Ajanović. 2022. ‘Voting Right? Analyzing Electoral Homonationalism of LGBTIQ* Voters in Austria and Germany.’ Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society., 24–49.

A list of her publications can be found here.


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