Courses in English

Academic year 2024/2025

See Timetables for exchange students.
List of Courses at the Department of Classics

Japanese Language in Practice 1*full year subjectDepartment of Asian Studiesrequired prior knowledge of Japanese - *full year subject6Full yearjasna.bavec@ff.uni-lj.si
Modern Persian 1     Department of Asian Studies 6Full year      jasna.bavec@ff.uni-lj.si
Civil Society Movements and Contemporary South KoreaDepartment of Asian Studies 3Winterjasna.bavec@ff.uni-lj.si
Korean Tradition and Modernity INTDepartment of Asian Studies 3Winterjasna.bavec@ff.uni-lj.si
Hungarian 3 (I)Department of Comparative and General Linguistics 3Winterandrea.ivan@ff.uni-lj.si
Hungarian Language 2 (I)Department of Comparative and General Linguistics 3Winterandrea.ivan@ff.uni-lj.si
Hungarian 1 - non-indo-European language 1Department of Comparative and General Linguistics 3Winterandrea.ivan@ff.uni-lj.si
Trends in ELTDepartment of English 3Winterjason.blake@ff.uni-lj.si
Anthropology of complex systems - SeminarDepartment of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology 3Wintersarah.lunacek@ff.uni-lj.si 
Current Debates in Social and Cultural AnthropologyDepartment of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology 3Wintersarah.lunacek@ff.uni-lj.si 
Epistemology of Everyday Life - LecturesDepartment of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology 3Wintersarah.lunacek@ff.uni-lj.si 
Ethnographic Fieldwork - Practical ClassesDepartment of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology 3Wintersarah.lunacek@ff.uni-lj.si 
Geography of Slovenia Department of Geographyavailable only for Erasmus students8Winterbostjan.rogelj@ff.uni-lj.si
German 1 INTDepartment of German, Dutch and Swedish 4WinterAndreja.BoleMaia@ff.uni-lj.si
Medieval History of SE Europe Department of Historyavailable only for Erasmus students5Winterziga.zwitter@ff.uni-lj.si 
Score Playing 1Department of Musicology 3Wintertajnistvo.muzikologije@ff.uni-lj.si
Musics of the World: Anthropology of MusicDepartment of Musicology 5Wintertajnistvo.muzikologije@ff.uni-lj.si
Applied ethnomusicologyDepartment of Musicology 5Wintertajnistvo.muzikologije@ff.uni-lj.si
Intelligence, Giftedness, Creativity (INT)Department of Psychologyavailable only for Erasmus students3Winterpsy.international@gmail.com
Qualitative psychological research (INT)Department of Psychologyavailable only for Erasmus students3Winterpsy.international@gmail.com
Romanian I/INT Department of Romance Languagesavailable only for Erasmus students3Winterioana.jieanu@ff.uni-lj.si
RO1 Catalan 1Department of Romance Languagesavailable only for Erasmus students3Winterana.simoniti@ff.uni-lj.si
Slovenščina kot tuji jezik - lektorat 1 INT/Slovene as Foreign Language – Lectorat 1Department of Slovenian Studiesavailable only for Erasmus students of Faculty of Arts 3Winterdaniela.preglau@ff.uni-lj.si
Second Slavic Language – SlovakDepartment of Stavisticsavailable only for Erasmus students3Winterhana.lacova@ff.uni-lj.si
Second Slavic Language – CzechDepartment of Stavisticsavailable only for Erasmus students3Winterjana.snytova@ff.uni-lj.si
Phenomenology and Philosophy of Religion INTDepartment of Philosophy 3Winterela.taniguchi@ff.uni-lj.si
Culture of IslamDepartment of Asian Studies Spring 3Springjasna.bavec@ff.uni-lj.si
Modern Greek II Department of ClassicsThe course is aimed at students who learn Modern Greek as a foreign language. Modern Greek course, aimed at students with basic knowledge of Ancient Greek. 4Springnastja.janzekovic@ff.uni-lj.si
Hungarian Language 1 (II)Department of Comparative and General Linguistics 3Springandrea.ivan@ff.uni-lj.si
Hungarian Language 2 (II)Department of Comparative and General Linguistics 3Springandrea.ivan@ff.uni-lj.si
Hungarian Language 3 (II)Department of Comparative and General Linguistics 3Springandrea.ivan@ff.uni-lj.si
LaTeX for linguistsDepartment of Comparative and General Linguisticsavailable only for Erasmus students6Springsaso.zivanovic@guest.arnes.si
Language in Use II Department of Englishavailable only for Erasmus students3SpringJasonFrederick.Blake@ff.uni-lj.si
Introduction to the History of English INTDepartment of English 3SpringJasonFrederick.Blake@ff.uni-lj.si
Geography of Slovenia Department of Geographyavailable only for Erasmus students8Springbostjan.rogelj@ff.uni-lj.si
International migrations and diasporaDepartment of Geographyavailable only for Erasmus students6Springbostjan.rogelj@ff.uni-lj.si
German 2 INTDepartment of German, Dutch and Swedish 4SpringBernhard.Winkler@ff.uni-lj.si
Intercultural Studies – Germany INTDepartment of German, Dutch and Swedish 3SpringJanja.PolajnarLenarcic@ff.uni-lj.si
Historical Geography INTDepartment of Historyavailable only for Erasmus students5Springziga.zwitter@ff.uni-lj.si
Ethnomusicology 3Department of Musicology 4Springtajnistvo.muzikologije@ff.uni-lj.si
Romanian I/INT Department of Romance Languagesavailable only for Erasmus students3Springioana.jieanu@ff.uni-lj.si
Communication in South Slavic Languages 1 - SerbianDepartment of Slavistics 3Springtatjana.balazicbulc@ff.uni-lj.si
Slovenščina kot tuji jezik - lektorat 1 INT/Slovene as Foreign Language – Lectorat 1Department of Slovenian Studiesavailable only for Erasmus students of Faculty of Arts 3Springdaniela.preglau@ff.uni-lj.si
Life Styles and Family Praxis Department of Sociologyavailable only for Erasmus students4Springandreja.koncan@ff.uni-lj.si
Introduction to Gay and Lesbian studies INTDepartment of Sociologyavailable only for Erasmus students4Springandreja.koncan@ff.uni-lj.si
The Anthropology of Space and PlaceDepartment of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology 4Springsarah.lunacek@ff.uni-lj.si 
Asian Communities' Responses to Global ChallengesDepartment of Asian Studies 3Springjasna.bavec@ff.uni-lj.si

Academic year 2023/2024

See Timetables for exchange students.

Courses offered at the Department of Classics are available here.
Courses offered at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology are available here.

Subject/Predmet Department/Oddelek Semester KT/ECTS application/prijava Prerequisites
Japanese Language in Practice 1*full year subject Department of Asian Studies  Full year 6 jasna.bavec@ff.uni-lj.si required prior knowledge of Japanese
Modern Chinese - Language Tutorial 1*full year subject Department of Asian Studies  Full year 6 jasna.bavec@ff.uni-lj.si  
Modern Korean 2*full year subject Department of Asian Studies  Full year 9 jasna.bavec@ff.uni-lj.si required prior knowledge of Korean
RO1 Catalan 1  Department of Romance languages and Literatures  Winter 3 To apply contact the secretary of the department: manuela.volmajer@ff.uni-lj.si  
Chinese Philosophy Department of Asian Studies  Winter 3 jasna.bavec@ff.uni-lj.si  
Introduction to Korean Literature 1 Department of Asian Studies  Winter 3 jasna.bavec@ff.uni-lj.si required prior knowledge of Korean
Korean Phonetics 2 Department of Asian Studies  Winter 3 jasna.bavec@ff.uni-lj.si required prior knowledge of Korean
Korean Tradition and Modernity Department of Asian Studies  Winter 3 jasna.bavec@ff.uni-lj.si  
Korean Writing 2 Department of Asian Studies  Winter 3 jasna.bavec@ff.uni-lj.si required prior knowledge of Korean
The History of Korea Department of Asian Studies  Winter 3 jasna.bavec@ff.uni-lj.si required prior knowledge of Korean
Creative Writing 1 – Poetry Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory Winter 3 irena.ipavecdobrota@ff.uni-lj.si available only for Erasmus students
Hungarian 1 - non-indo-European language 1 Department of Comparitive and General Linguistics Winter 3


Hungarian 3 (I) Department of Comparitive and General Linguistics Winter 3 Andrea.Ivan@ff.uni-lj.si  
Hungarian Language 2 (I) Department of Comparitive and General Linguistics Winter 3 Andrea.Ivan@ff.uni-lj.si  
Trends in ELT  Department of English Winter 3 JasonFrederick.Blake@ff.uni-lj.si  
Anthropology of complex systems - Seminar Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology Winter 3 sarah.lunacek@ff.uni-lj.si   
Anthropology of the Mediterranean INT Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology Winter 3 To apply contact the departmental coordinator: sarah.lunacek@ff.uni-lj.si.   available only for Erasmus students
Current Trends in Social and Cultural Anthropology Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology Winter 3 sarah.lunacek@ff.uni-lj.si   
Epistemology of Everyday Life - Lectures Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology Winter 3 sarah.lunacek@ff.uni-lj.si   
Ethnographic Fieldwork - Practical Classes Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology Winter 3 sarah.lunacek@ff.uni-lj.si   
GE1 Geografija Slovenije INT Department of Geography Winter 8 To apply contact the departmental coordinator: bostjan.rogelj@ff.uni-lj.si  available only for Erasmus students
GER1 Nemščina 1 INT/German 1 INT Department of German, Dutch and Swedish Winter 4 tatjana.gyorkos@ff.uni-lj.si  
GER2 German Films in the Context of International Film Language and Literature INT Department of German, Dutch and Swedish Winter 3 JohannGeorg.Lughofer@ff.uni-lj.si available only for Erasmus students
Medieval History of SE Europe  Department of History Winter 5 ziga.zwitter@ff.uni-lj.si  available only for Erasmus students
Applied ethnomusicology Department of Musicology Winter 5 tajnistvo.muzikologije@ff.uni-lj.si   
MU1 Etnoansambel 1 (Ethno music group 1) Department of Musicology Winter 3 tajnistvo.muzikologije@ff.uni-lj.si  available only for Erasmus students
MU1 Igranje partitur 1 (Score Playing 1) Department of Musicology Winter 3 tajnistvo.muzikologije@ff.uni-lj.si  available only for Erasmus students
Musics of the World: Anthropology of Music Department of Musicology Winter 5 tajnistvo.muzikologije@ff.uni-lj.si  
FI2 Phenomenology and Philosophy of Religion -INT Department of Philosophy Winter 3 To apply contact the secretary of the department: renata.kalisek@ff.uni-lj.si available only for Erasmus students
Qualitative psychological research (INT) Department of Psychology Winter 3 psy.international@gmail.com available only for Erasmus students
Romanian I/INT  Department of Romance languages Winter 3 ioana.jieanu@ff.uni-lj.si available only for Erasmus students
Elective Second Slavonic Language - Czech Language  Department of Slavic Studies Winter 3 Jana.Snytova@ff.uni-lj.si available only for Erasmus students
Elective Second Slavonic Language - Slovak Language Department of Slavic Studies Winter 3 Hana.Lacova@ff.uni-lj.si available only for Erasmus students
Slovenščina kot tuji jezik - lektorat 1 INT/Slovene as Foreign Language – Lectorat 1 Department of Slovenian Studies Winter 3 daniela.preglau@ff.uni-lj.si available only for Erasmus students of Faculty of Arts 
Introduction to Korean Literature 2 Department of Asian Studies  Spring 3 jasna.bavec@ff.uni-lj.si required prior knowledge of Korean
Korean Art 1 Department of Asian Studies  Spring 3 jasna.bavec@ff.uni-lj.si  
Korean Society Department of Asian Studies  Spring 3 jasna.bavec@ff.uni-lj.si  
Modern Greek II INT Department of Classics  Spring 4 nastja.janzekovic@ff.uni-lj.si available only for Erasmus students
LaTeX for linguists Department of Comparative and General Linguistics Spring 6 saso.zivanovic@guest.arnes.si  
Hungarian Language 1 (II) Department of Comparitive and General Linguistics Spring 3


Hungarian Language 2 (II) Department of Comparitive and General Linguistics Spring 3


Hungarian Language 3 (II) Department of Comparitive and General Linguistics Spring 3


Curriculum Studies  Department of Educational Sciences Spring 5 To apply contact the secretary of the department: nevenka.princes@ff.uni-lj.si available only for Erasmus students
Language in Use II  Department of Englsih Spring 3 JasonFrederick.Blake@ff.uni-lj.si available only for Erasmus students
Social history of English INT  Department of Englsih Spring 3 JasonFrederick.Blake@ff.uni-lj.si available only for Erasmus students
GE1 Geografija Slovenije INT Department of Geography Spring 8 bostjan.rogelj@ff.uni-lj.si available only for Erasmus students
International migrations and dispora / GE2 Mednarodne selitve in izseljenstvo INT Department of Geography Spring 6 To apply contact the departmental coordinator: bostjan.rogelj@ff.uni-lj.si  available only for Erasmus students
Historical Geography / Historična geografija Department of History Spring 5 ziga.zwitter@ff.uni-lj.si available only for Erasmus students
Ethnomusicology 1 Department of Musicology Spring 4 tajnistvo.muzikologije@ff.uni-lj.si  
Romanian I/INT  Department of Romance languages Spring 3 ioana.jieanu@ff.uni-lj.si available only for Erasmus students
Communication in South Slavic Languages 1: Serbian Language Department of Slavic Studies Spring 3 tatjana.balazicbulc@ff.uni-lj.si                            tijana.milenkovic@ff.uni-lj.si   
Slovenščina kot tuji jezik - lektorat 1 INT/Slovene as Foreign Language – Lectorat 1 Department of Slovenian Studies Spring 3 daniela.preglau@ff.uni-lj.si available only for Erasmus students of Faculty of Arts 
Introduction to gay and lesbian studies INT Department of Sociology Spring 4 andreja.koncan@ff.uni-lj.si available only for Erasmus students
Life Styles and Family Praxis  Department of Sociology Spring 4 andreja.koncan@ff.uni-lj.si available only for Erasmus students