In focus
29. 10. 2024
Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts
26. 08. 2022
Administrative Office for Undergraduate Study Programme, Faculty of Arts
04. 01. 2022 - 04. 01. 2022
Faculty of Arts
02. 09. 2021 - 02. 09. 2021
International Office, Faculty of Arts
19. 02. - 16. 04. 2025
Administrative Office, Faculty of Arts

Online sessions of studies at the University of Ljubljana

Teden odprtih vrat predavalnic Filozofske fakultete

Dijakinje in dijaki višjih letnikov vljudno vabljeni na Teden odprtih vrat Filozofske fakultete UL, ki bo med 24. in 28. februarjem. Odprta so vrata vseh predavalnic, spodaj pa je seznam izpostavljenih predavanj za lažjo izbiro! 

Več o tednu odprtih vrat

Psihološka svetovalnica FF

Prijazno vabljeni v psihološko svetovalnico, ki študentom Filozofske fakultete nudi psihosocialno podporo.

Več o psihološki svetovalnici

Poletne šole tujih jezikov

Vabljeni k vpisu v poletne šole azijskih, germanskih, klasičnih in slovanskih jezikov, ki jih razpisuje Center za izobraževanje FF. 


Information days for undergraduate (First Cycle) study programmes at the Faculty of Arts

Information on undergraduate study programmes available at the Faculty of Arts as well as the schedule of presentations of individual programmes is available here.


The Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language 

It develops a complete infrastructure for attaining, examining, and certifying proficiency in Slovene as a second or foreign language.


International Students / Mednarodni študenti

Več informacij / More info

Publishing unit and bookstore

With more than 70 new titles a year, the Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts ranks among the largest scientific publishing houses in the field of humanities and social sciences in Slovenia. All books are available in our online and physical bookstore.


Information days for undergraduate (First Cycle) study programmes at the Faculty of Arts

Information on undergraduate study programmes available at the Faculty of Arts as well as the schedule of presentations of individual programmes is available here.




First-cycle study programmes of the University of Ljubljana's Faculty of Arts

A leaflet with first-cycle study programmes, deadlines for applying to the call for applications and contacts for additional information is available here.

A leaflet with first-cycle st…

Welcome to the Faculty of Arts

The humanities are lighting up a new day. Former students of the Faculty of Arts Vlado Kreslin, Mart D. Buh, Filip Dobranić, Lucija Fatur, Boštjan Gorenc - Pižama, Simon Kardum, Nika Kovač and Nika Prusnik Kardum.

Second-cycle study programmes of the University of Ljubljana's Faculty of Arts

A leaflet with second-cycle study programmes, deadlines for applying to the call for applications and contacts for additional information is available here.

A leaflet with second-cycle s…

Language and other courses and foreign language exams

You can learn more than 30 foreign languages at the Faculty of Arts. We also offer exams in 21 languages. Centre for Pedagogical Education provides a range of professional training programmes. 



The tutors are Slovene students interested in foreign cultures and languages who volunteer to help out exchange students while they are studying at our faculty. They will do their best to make your exchange in Slovenia a pleasant experience.

Our recent videos
14. September 2020

Slavnostna akademija ob stoletnici Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. Cankarjev dom, Gallusova dvorana, 24. 9. 2019. Režija: Jan Krmelj, scenarij: Mateja Gaber.

14. September 2020

Kratek video slavnostne akademije Filozofske fakultete UL ob stoletnici fakultete (24. september 2019). Avtor: Slovenska tiskovna agencija

14. September 2020

Ob stoletnici Filozofske fakultete UL smo se pogovarjali z nekdanjimi dekani in dekanjami. Spomine obuja prof. dr. Božidar Jezernik, ki je bila dekan FF od 2003 do 2007.

14. September 2020

Ob stoletnici Filozofske fakultete UL smo se pogovarjali z nekdanjimi dekani in dekanjami. Spomine obuja prof. dr. Ludvik Horvat, ki je bila dekan FF od 1997 do 2001.

14. September 2020

Ob stoletnici Filozofske fakultete UL smo se pogovarjali z nekdanjimi dekani in dekanjami. Spomine obuja prof. dr. Andrej Černe, ki je bila dekan FF od 2011 do 2013.





In 2019, the Faculty of Arts celebrated its centennial

On 3 December 1919 at 9 a.m. the first lecture began in the former State Mansion of Carniola, thus ushering in the birth of the Faculty of Arts and the University of Ljubljana.