Roka s pisalom

Faculty of Arts

Alumni club and career opportunities

UL Alumni is a network of 58 alumni clubs of all members of the university, which offers students mentoring by older, more experienced colleagues, information on vacancies and other business collaborations and also other benefits of UL partners such as visiting theaters, museums, film shows, professional training and access to professional literature databases, also for the time when students will no longer have the student status.

All students enrolled in the last years of study or students who are preparing to complete their studies are invited to enroll in their alumni club. Alumni clubs namely offer a number of benefits. You can sign up here, and additional information is available here.

(summarised from the KC UL website)

Through various activities, the Career Centers of the University of Ljubljana encourage students to be as active as possible during their studies, to attend various events, connect with employers, acquire additional skills and thus ensure their best employability after graduation.

During the year, UL Career Centers organize a number of events for students:

• workshops on acquiring competencies and other employment skills,

• self-knowledge workshops,

• visits and presentations of work environments in Slovenia and other EU countries,

• networking and speed dating with employers,

• consultations on challenges abroad, entrepreneurship, internships,

• Skype consulting with consultants from abroad,

• fairs, career days and much more.

All current events can be found on their website and on the POPR portal (Personal and Professional Development Portal), through which you can also register for the events.

Signing up for POPR is easy. Students with status can sign in to POPR with their digital UL identity. The contents are also available to students without status, but students without status must pre-register.

At the Career Centers of the University of Ljubljana, individual career counseling and coaching for effective career path management is also available, taking into consideration that each individual is unique.

You can arrange a review of your CV and motivational letter with the counselors of the UL Career Centers. However, if you need to talk about career challenges related to finding an internship, student work, employment, presentation to employers, employment opportunities after graduation or continuing studies at the master and doctoral studies, you can apply for an individual career counseling appointment. The pre-appointments via POPR are necessary, as they want to take the time to talk to everyone.

The activities of Career Centers of the University of Ljubljana are completely free and available at all faculties and academies of the University of Ljubljana.

Many free trainings on personal and professional development are available in the e-classroom. There are also distance learning courses available so far - webinars and materials on various topics: how to learn faster and more efficiently, ways of thinking, graphical presentation of data, modern labor market, resume writing, time management, short public presentations (pitch) and how to talk to someone contemplating suicide. You can access the e-classroom with your digital UL identity.

You can subscribe to the e-newsletters of UL Career Centers here, but if you do not receive them, be sure to check that the mail may not be included in promotions or spam.

You can find current useful news and other useful information on improving your employability here and, of course, on our social networks (FB, IG).




Novice KC UL iz dne 16. 3. 2021 so na voljo tukaj.