
From the time of filling out the enrolment paper communication with students at the Faculty of Arts is carried out exclusively through the student's UL digital identity email address, which is created by taking over the UL digital identity and has the form (it is also possible that there are more numbers).

Students are obliged to use the specified e-mail address.

The procedure for acquiring a digital identity is described here. At the same time, online forms are also available in case of forgotten password, changing the password, and checking the functioning of the digital identity.

If there are problems during use (e.g. the student does not have access to the specified e-mail box or does not receive notifications in the e-mail box), the student can contact UL by reporting an error via the error report link.

Detailed UL instructions for accessing e-mail and for setting up mail clients are available here.

Instructions for the use of Student Information System VIS  (Exam registration, withdrawal from exams registrations, exam dates, exam results, student records, printing the certificate of enrolment, checking the financial situation (list of issued, paid and not yet paid invoices) are available here.

Instructions for filling in the enrolment paper are available here.

Selection of external elective courses for students of Faculty of Arts

Students of Faculty of Arts, who are enrolled or are enrolling in programmes that require the selection of external elective courses, can select them from the offer of the first-cycle study programmes of the Faculty of Arts (if they are not already part of their compulsory curriculum or if the student hasn't selected them yet) or other faculties of the University of Ljubljana or other national or international universities.

External elective courses, selected by undergraduate students, have to be accredited on first-cycle undergraduate study programmes (students are not allowed to choose courses of the second-cycle programmes).

Before selecting an individual external elective course, students always have to check if they are eligible to take a selected course, following the comments stated in the table.

The Faculty of Arts offers a diverse selection of elective courses. Students also have the ability to select electives offered by other faculties (Faculty of Social Sciences, Academy of Music and Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television, with whom Faculty of Arts has a signed a mutual agreement).

The offer of elective courses of Faculty of Arts faculties for current year are only available in Slovene on the Slovene website.

Students do not need to fill in any form if they select elective courses at Faculty of Social Sciences, Academy of Music and Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television. They can select their courses when they fill out the electronic enrolment sheet.

If students wish to choose an external elective course at other higher education institutions with which Faculty of Arts does not have an agreement with, students have to - upon completing the electronic enrolment sheet - select AA external elective course with the relevant number of credit points. At the same time, students have to fill in a form (application for enrolling an external elective course - first-cycle), that is available on the slovene website,for selecting an external elective course on other higher education institution and submit it (filled in fully and stamped by the responsible person of the other higher education institution) to the department office where they are enrolled by October 15 at the latest. The department office will enter the selected external elective course into the student's electronic index.


Selecting external elective course at the Faculty of Arts for students of other higher education institutions

Elective courses that are offered by the Faculty of Arts can be chosen by students of other higher educational institutions. Students however should consult the office of the department, that offers the elective course and check whether there are free places on a certain elective course. If there are free places for the selected elective course, office of the department confirms the form, enlists the student and the couse in student information system VIS (as a citizen) and submits the form to the Administrative Office for Undergraduate Programmes (First-Cycle). The form is stamped and sent to the student's faculty. External electives can be selected until October 15.


Change of internal or external elective course for students of the Faculty of Arts

Students (first time enrolled or re-enrolled) may once replace the internal and once external elective course in the year in which they are enrolled at their department office, namely:

  • until  October 15 of the current academic year, regardless of when the course is being implemented, if the subject is available in the list of elective subjects of the appropriate degree, if there are still free places in the newly selected course and if the implementation of this course allows it;
  • within fifteen days of the beginning of the summer semester, if the new course is implemented during the summer semester (regardless of the time implementation of the course he/she is abandoning), if the course is in the optional elective course list of the appropriate degree, if there are still free places in the newly selected course and if the implementation of this course allows it.

A student who replaces the subject Sport and Humanities (Šport in Humanistika) of the Pedagogical Unit for Sport (Pedagoška enota za šport) for another subject must immediately inform Pedagoška enota za šport about the replacement, so that his place could be offered to someone else. Contacts are available here.

After the expiry of the deadlines from the previous paragraph, students must submit a request for replacement of an external elective course, if the following conditions are fulfilled:

1) The course lecturer allows it,

2) If the course is in the optional elective course list and if there are still free places in the newly selected course,

3) There are justified reasons for the replacement.

In the request for change of an external elective course, students must explain the justified reasons referred to number 3 of the previous paragraph and attach evidence of their existence. Justified reasons are subsequently changed circumstances to which the student was unable to influence (e.g., a subsequent change of schedule affecting attendance at the core programme, non-execution of the course), the student's longer absence (eg due to study exchange, prolonged illness, parenting), etc.

After the expiry of the deadlines referred to in the first paragraph, students must submit a request for the replacement of the internal elective course. The replacement of the internal elective course is possible only if the department gives its consent.

Request for replacement of (internal or external) elective courses may also be submitted by full-time students, non-status students and students with extended status, who wish to replace internal or external elective courses from previous academic years. In this case, the provisions of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 shall apply to the assessment of the eligibility for the replacement of an internal or external elective.

The request for replacement of (internal or external) elective courses should be submitted as described in the tab “Guidelines” “Student Request Submission”.

Students who show long-term problems, disorders, deficits or illnesses can acquire the status of a student with special needs during the study process at UL.

Students who demonstrate significant achievements in the field of sports, art and culture, international competitions and students parents, can obtain a special status in the study process at UL.

Special statuses are:

  • status of a categorized athlete/coach of categorized athletes;
  • status of a student of a recognized artist/cultural person;
  • status of participants in (regional) international competitions,
  • status of the student - parent.

Students who wish to obtain status of a student with special needs or special status, and the related adaptations of the study process, should submit an appropriate request. The request is submitted according to the procedure described in the "Student request submission" tab.

Appropriate supporting documentation must be added to the request.

Recognition of status and related adjustments to the study process are further regulated by the Regulations on students with special needs and special status (Pravilnik o študenti s posebnimi potrebami in posebnim statusom) and the Criteria for resolving student requests for first- and second cycle students (Merila za reševanje študentskih prošenj na študiju prve in druge stopnje).

The student may submit the following requests:

  • Recognition of special needs status and/or special status,
  • Transition from part-time to full-time study and vice versa,
  • Recognition of the obligations undertaken in other study programmes and informal learning,
  • Faster progress,
  • Continuation or completion of studies after interruption of more than two years,
  • Deregistration from an exam after the deadline set for the deregistration has passed,
  • Fifth attempt at exam,
  • Change of the elective courses,
  • Taking additional courses outside the enrolled study programme,
  • Extension of status for justified reasons,
  • Progression to higher year with missing credits points,
  • Writing the final thesis in a foreign language,
  • Request for temporary unavailability of the contents of the written final thesis,
  • Change in the form of payment or a possible reduction of costs of pending financial obligations.

Requests shall be handled in accordance with Criteria for Resolving Student Requests for the first and second-cycle studies (Merila za reševanje študentskih prošenj na študiju prve in druge stopnje).

Deadline for submitting student requests related to enrolment in the academic year 2024/2025 are available below:




Request for progression to higher year with missing credits points



Request for extension of student status for justified reasons in the last year of  studies and additional year



Request for extension of student status for justified reasons (first year of studies, exceptionally also for students in the last year of studies and in additional year, if they missed the deadline based on justified reasons)



Request for transition from part-time to full-time study and vice versa



You can get more information on submitting requests and deadlines from the student office: (1st cycle students).

In preparation. 

Transfer between study programmes is enrolment in the second or higher year of higher education study programmes, by terminating the education in the first study program and continuation of study in the second study programme of the same degree, or by enrolment of a higher education graduate in the new study programme at the same level.

Transfers are possible between study programmes:

  • Which ensure the acquisition of comparable competences or learning outcomes at the conclusion of the studies;
  • In which at least half of the obligations from the ECTS of the first study programme, which relate to the compulsory subjects in the second study programme, can be acknowledged.

Considering the scope of recognised obligations from the first study programme, student may enrol in the same or higher year of the second study programme. Enrolment into the initial year is not considered as transfer between study programmes.

Transfer between study programmes will be considered in accordance with the Criteria for transferring between study programmes (Merila za prehode med študijskimi programi).

Students have the right to enrol and receive education under the same conditions determined by the Higher Education Act, the Statute of the University of Ljubljana and the study programme. In doing so:

  • if they are regularly progressing through their programme they can complete their study under the conditions applicable at the time of enrolment,
  • they may, during the course of their studies, repeat the year or change the study programme or course of study due to failure of fulfilling the obligations in the previous course of study or study programme,
  • they may be educated in several study programmes (parallel study), by interdisciplinary or by individual study programmes carried out by one or more higher education institutions,
  • they are able to advance and complete their studies in a shorter time than envisaged by the study programme.

In accordance with the second indent of the previous paragraph, a student may, at the time of the study, change the study programme or course without payment of tuition fee.  At the second or subsequent change of the programme or course, a full-time student must also pay tuition. In this case, student does not have the right to enrol in the additional year; his/her student status is terminated at the end of the last semester, except in case of changing the study programme due to the expiration of its accreditation.

Change of the study programme means:

  • Omission of study at a certain study programme and beginning of education at a new study programme. In this case, students apply for a position on the new study programme under the same conditions as all new applicants. According to the call for enrolment, they must apply with their first or second application through the eVŠ portal.

Students enrolling in the programme from the same field of expertise can submit a request for recognition of the obligations undertaken in other study programmes when they enrol into 1st year of the new programme.

  • Replacement of a combined programme for a single-subject study programme in the same field of expertise or vice versa (example: replacement of a combined study programme Philosophy - Sociology for a single-subject study programme Philosophy or replacement of single-subject study programme Philosophy for combined study programme Philosophy - Sociology), in which there are two ways:


a) Enrolment in the first year of a single-subject study programme in the same field of expertise (changing the study programme) or combined study programme.

Students must apply for the call for enrolment (for enrolment into 1st year) through the eVŠ portal within the appropriate deadline. Students are selected under same conditions as all other new candidates for the chosen programme.

Students enrolling in the programme from the same field of expertise can submit a request for recognition of the obligations undertaken in other study programmes when they enrol into 1st year of the new programme.

b) By enrolment in the higher year (enrolment according to Criteria for transferring between study programmes). Enrolment in the higher year is possible only in the case of a previously approved request for the completion of additional subjects outside the enrolled programme and if the conditions for enrolment in the higher year of the single-subject study programme are fulfilled.

If students qualify for enrolment to the higher year, they must apply for enrolment in the next year (according to the transition criteria) through the eVŠ portal. In case students do not meet the requirements for enrolment to the higher year of the single-subject study programme, the previous indent applies.

  • Replacement of one of the two combined study programmes (example: replacement of the combined study programme Philosophy - Sociology for the combined study programme Philosophy - History), which can be done in 2 ways:

a) Enrolment in the first year of a combined study programme

Students must apply for the call for enrolment (for enrolment into 1st year) through the eVŠ portal within the appropriate deadline. Students are selected under same conditions as all other new candidates for the chosen programme.

In case students do not meet the requirements for enrolment into the first year of the new combined study programme, they have 2 options:

  • they may re-enroll in the same year of the combined study programme in which they are already enrolled, provided that they meet the conditions for re-enrollment in the year
  • they pause one year at the already-enrolled combined programme and apply again for next year for the new combined study programme.

Students enrolling in the programme from the same field of expertise can submit a request for recognition of the obligations undertaken in other study programmes when they enrol into 1st year of the new programme.

b) By enrolment in the higher year (enrolment according to Criteria for transferring between study programmes)

Enrolment in the higher year is possible only in the case of a previously approved request for the completion of additional subjects outside the enrolled programme and if the conditions for enrolment in the higher year of the combined study programme are fulfilled.

If students qualify for enrolment to the higher year, they must apply for enrolment in the next year (according to the transition criteria) through the eVŠ portal. In case students do not meet the requirements for enrolment to the higher year of the combined study programme, the previous indent applies.

All instructions above are also applicable to the change of the study course.

Guidelines for submission a final thesis for content similarity detecting are available only in Slovene language on the Slovene website.

The following student’s achievements during the study period may be included in the Diploma Supplement:

  • official study exchanges and work placements (ERASMUS, CEEPUS …),
  • University Prešeren award,
  • Faculty Prešeren award,
  • participation in the University of Ljubljana´s bodies (president of the Študentski svet UL, vice-president of the Študentski svet UL, member of the Študentski svet UL, secretary of the Študentski svet UL, student senator, position in the committees and working groups of the Senate UL and Študentski svet UL, student representative in the Administrative Board UL),
  • participation in the University member´s (faculty) bodies (president of the Študentski svet, vice-president of the Študentski svet, secretary of the Študentski svet, member of the Študentski svet, student senator, position in the committees and working groups, member of the Administrative Board/Student Associate Dean),
  • student tutor, coordinator for tutors-students, demonstrator.

Students decide voluntarily if they wish to add their achievements to the Diploma Supplement, however they have to provide all relevant supporting documents/certificates. The application for adding other student achievements during the study period to the Diploma Supplement with attached supporting documents/certificates should be sent to the Administrative Office for Undergraduate Programmes (First-Cycle). Students enrolled in the first-cycle study programmes have to submit the application before the last obligation of their study programme has been finished. Applications and supporting documents/certificates that will be sent later will not be considered.

If a student has lost the student ID card or it has been stolen, he/she must apply for a new card from the Administrative Office for Undergraduate Programmes (First-Cycle).

To obtain a duplicate or a new student ID card students have to send the application for issuing a new student ID card to the Administrative Office for Undergraduate Programmes (First-Cycle). A new student ID card must be paid in accordance with the price list of the faculty.

Students can withdraw from the Faculty of Art in person at the Administrative Office for Undergraduate Programmes (First-Cycle) during office hours or they can send documentation by mail. For withdrawal, student must complete and sign an application for withdrawal and submit it together with the student ID card in the Administrative Office for Undergraduate Programmes (First-Cycle), either in person or by mail.

In case of prolonged absence of a student, the application can be also submitted by the authorized person. There is no need to authenticate the authorization.

Withdrawal due to change of the study programme/course and student status

Student who withdraws from a study program/course because he wants to enrol in a new study programme/course before the end of the academic year, does not lose his student status with withdrawal if he enrols in a new study programme/course before the end of the academic year. In this case, the student retains the student until the end of the academic year (September 30). More in the explanation here (only in slovene).


A person whose student status has ceased due to withdrawal from a study programme or course may re-enrol in this study programme or course, however tuition is charged for studies in accordance with the provisions of the price list for the current academic year. The application form as well as deadlines for enrolment after withdrawal are available on the Slovene version of the website.

Please, see International Office.

Health Centre for Students of the University of Ljubljana, as an authorized health care institution, carries out preventive systematic medical check- ups and other health education activities and provides comprehensive health care for the needs of the student population. The students can also choose personal doctors, dentists in a gynaecologist in systematic medical check- ups.

Students are informed about term systematic examinations via the website, bulling box of the administrative offices of the faculty and via email.

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