Socialisation in Adulthood
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Ličen Nives, Zaposleni/pogodbeni bodoči
Informal learning and socialization.
Socialization as lifelong process – selected theories.
Social and emotional competence.
The concept of change. Environment (social, cultural, virtual, biological) and the impact on socialization in adulthood. Adaptation and stress. Transitional learning.
Reciprocal influence and learning.
Learning and attitudes.
Factors of socialization in adulthood and later adulthood (family, work group, social movement – ecological, political, LGBT). Informal learning in groups.
New media and virtual spaces.
Migration and multiculturalism.
Social construction of meaning.
Symbols and learning. Biographical learning.
The concept of emotional intelligence, emotions and learning in adulthood.
Body changes, disciplining the body, attitude towards health, illness, food, sex.
Ageing. Death.
Hutchinson, E. D. (2019). Dimension of Human Behavior: Person and Environment. Los Angeles, London: Sage.
Illeris, K. (ur.). (2018). Contemporary Theories of Learning. London: Routledge. [Izbrana poglavja za projektno delo]
Ule, M. (2009). Socialna psihologija: analitični pristop k življenju v družbi. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede. [Izbrana poglavja] ID=247943680
Ule, M. (2009). Psihologija komuniciranja in medsebojnih odnosov. Ljubljana: Založba FDV. [Izbrana poglavja] ID=244570112
Bock, P.K. (2013). Razmisleki o psihološki antropologiji. Stalnost in spremembe v proučevanju človeškega vedenja. Maribor: Aristej. [Izbrana poglavja za projektno delo] ID=74519809