Selected Topics in Didactics I
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 7
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Kalin Janica
1. Characteristics and factors of Slovene educational system
2. Definition of basic conceptions: differentiated instruction, individualization of teaching, selection
3. Historical development of individualized and differentiated teaching
4. Basic systems of individualized and differentiated teaching: internal, external, flexible
- Models of internal, external, flexible differentiated and individualized teaching
- Possibilities and limitations of systems of differentiation and individualisation
5. Prerequisites for effective differentiation and individualisation
- The role and importance of teachers
- Planning and adapting teaching goals
6. Learning differences among pupils: the origin of learning differences, methods of getting to know pupils
-7 Work with pupils with special needs
- Types of special needs, principles of teacher's activities, design of an individualised teaching plan
8. Work with pupils with learning difficulties
- Origin and types of learning difficulties, specific learning difficulties, teacher's adjusting their teaching and assessing
9. Discovering gifted pupils and work with them: definition of giftedness and characteristics of gifted pupil, guidelines for detection and work with gifted pupils during classes and in other organized forms of education.
1. Bergant, K. (ur), Musek Lešnik, K. (ur.) (2002): Šolska neuspešnost med otroki in mladostniki: vzroki – posledice – preprečevanje. Ljubljana: Inštitut za psihologijo osebnosti. (152 str.)ID=116234752
2. Diferenciacija in integracija. Sodobna pedagogika, letnik 50, št. 1, 1999. (220 str.) ID=761348
3. Koncept Odkrivanje in delo z nadarjenimi učenci v devetletni osnovni šoli. Ljubljana: Zavod RS za šolstvo. https://www.zrss.si/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/koncept-dela-z-nadarjeni…
4. Končnik-Goršič, N. (ur.), Kavkler, M. (ur.). (2002): Specifične učne težave otrok in mladostnikov: prepoznavanje, razumevanje, pomoč. Ljubljana: Svetovalni center za otroke, mladostnike in starše. (223 str.)ID=121267712
5. Magajna, L. idr. (2008): Koncept dela Učne težave v osnovni šoli. Ljubljana: Zavod RS za šolstvo. (101 str.) https://www.ucne-tezave.si/files/2016/10/Koncept_dela_Ucne_tezave_v_OS…
6. Strmčnik, F. (1987): Sodobna šola v luči učne diferenciacije in individualizacije. ZOTK in IS Slovenije, Ljubljana. (303 str.)ID=22133249
7. Strmčnik, F. (2001): Didaktika. Osrednje teoretične teme. Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete, Ljubljana, str. 377-390. (13 str.)ID=114332672
Relevant articles from domestic and foreign literature, accessible in libraries and on the World Wide Web.