Pedagogy and Andragogy for Psychologists
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 49
Seminars: 4
Tutorials: 7
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): asist. Pelicon Sara, doc. dr. Jeznik Katja, izr. prof. dr. Štefanc Damijan, prof. dr. Govekar Okoliš Monika, prof. dr. Kalin Janica, prof. dr. Kroflič Robert
Definition of key concepts. School as a social institution: school and ideology, dimensions of moral education in educational program. Theoretical and practical problems of moral education. Fundamental didactic concepts. Structural foundations of instruction. Articulation and planning of instruction.
Definition of andragogy as a science and its fundamental concepts. Adult education as a social, institutional and individual need. Curriculum for work with and education of adults. Professional development of an adult. Promotion of lifelong adult learning.
• Kroflič, R. (1997 in 1999). Med poslušnostjo in odgovornostjo (Procesno- razvojni model moralne vzgoje). Ljubljana: VIJA. (131 str.) COBISS.SI-ID – 71280128 (1997)
• Kroflič, R. (2005). New concepts of Authority and Citizenship Education, Teaching Citizenship
• (Proceedings of the seventh Conference of the Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe Thematic Network, A CICE publication: London 2005, pp. 25–34. COBISS.SI-ID – 14526216 http://www.cicea.eu/docs/PROCEEDINGS/2005/2005_03_Kronflic_New%20Concep…
• Kroflič, R. idr. (2009). Ali poklicne in strokovne šole potrebujejo vzgojni koncept? Ljubljana: Center RS za poklicno izobraževanje. (str. 13-79). COBISS.SI-ID - 244172800
• Peček Čuk, M. in Lesar, I. (2009/2011/2020). Moč vzgoje. Sodobna vprašanja teorije vzgoje. Ljubljana: Tehnična založba Slovenije. (poglavje Definiranje nekaterih osrednjih pojmov (str. 21.-40), Vloga ljubezni v pedagoškem procesu (str. 50-52), Multikulturalizem oz. interkulturalizem 185-190) in Ideja inkluzije (str. 190-197). COBISS.SI-ID – 249092608 (2009), COBISS.SI-ID – 67097859 (2021)
• Kroflič, R. idr. (2011). Kazen v šoli? Izbrani teoretski pristopi k sankcioniranju prekrškov in podpori prosocialnega ter moralnega ravnanja, Ljubljana: Center RS za poklicno izobraževanje, 2011. (do str. 37). COBISS.SI-ID - 257014016
• Jeznik, K.; Kroflič, R. in Štirn Janota, P. (2017). O vzgojnih pristopih med permisivnostjo in otrokocentričnostjo. V: Generaciji navidezne svobode: otroci in starši v sodobni družbi. Str. 151-177. COBISS.SI-ID - 293519872
• Kroflič, R. (2019). Preschools’ and Schools’ Cooperation with Artists and Cultural Institutions (SLO: Povezovanje vrtcev in šol z umetniki in kulturimi institucijami). V: Skubic Ermenc in Mikulec (ur.). Building Inclusive Communities through Education and Learning. Cambridge Scholar Publishing, str. 169-182. COBISS.SI-ID - 70084450
• Strmčnik, F. (2001). Didaktika – osrednje teoretične teme. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta. (401 str.) COBISS.SI-ID - 113563136
• Scott, D. (2003). Curriculum studies : major themes in education. London, New York : RoutledgeFalmer (izbrana poglavja). COBISS.SI-ID - 28452962
• Govekar-Okoliš, M. in Ličen, N. (2008). Poglavja iz andragogike, Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, Oddelek za pedagogiko in andragogiko, 143 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 238592256
• Govekar-Okoliš, Monika (2017). The role of grammar schools in forming the national identity of the Slovenes within Austria from 1849 to 1914, (Erziehung - Unterricht - Bildung, Bd. 182). Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2017 (str. od 43 – 59). COBISS.SI-ID - 65563746
• Govekar-Okoliš, Monika (2018). Mentors' perceptions on effects of their mentoring with higher education students in companies after the adoption of the Bologna process. European journal of higher education, ISSN 2156-8235, 2018, vol. 8, no. 2, str. 185-200. https://www-tandfonline-com.nukweb.nuk.uni-lj.si/doi/full/10.1080/21568…
• Govekar-Okoliš, Monika (2018). Teacher education within Slovenian and Croatian regions from 1867 to 1914. Review of Croatian history, ISSN 1845-4380, 2018, vol. 14, br. 1, str. 173-198. https://hrcak.srce.hr/214262
• Govekar-Okoliš, Monika (2019). The influence of Slovenian teachers on the development of the Slovenian community in Austria-Hungary. V: ERMENC, Klara S. (ur.), MIKULEC, Borut (ur.). Building inclusive communities through education and learning. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. 2019, str. 201-219. COBISS.SI-ID - 70084450
• Jelenc-Krašovec, S in Jelenc, Z. (2003). Andragoško svetovalno delo. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta. (274 str.) COBISS.SI-ID - 124687104